Making a Difference
The cost-of-living crisis is a phrase that we hear time and again. Indeed, Thrive Ireland are working in partnership alongside a number of organisations who are at the coalface – often weeping with those who weep and getting angry at systems that are broken. Sadly, our political stagnation makes life for those in poverty in Northern Ireland even worse than that of our neighbours in the rest of the UK.
As Christians we cannot just shake our heads and wring our hand in despair. The bible has a central theme of justice and care for the poor and the church is God’s chosen instrument for bringing transformation to our local communities and our society.

Broken relationships don’t only affect the lives, decisions and actions of individuals, but also create broken systems which lead to problems like power imbalances and corrupt governments.
The current cost of living crisis has been created by a series of factors leading to inflation including the war in Ukraine which caused demand for oil and gas to soar and prices to rise. Brexit added £6 billion to UK food bills in two years to the end of 2021 as the cost of food imported from the EU rose because of extra red tape. Infighting in the UK government and a breakdown of trust in those who govern us led to Prime Minister resignations and we ended up with a mini-budget in 2022 which cost the UK an estimated £30 billion.
Inflation has been driven up mostly by the cost of essentials, such as food and energy on which poorer households spend far more of their income than wealthier households. Record numbers are turning to foodbanks.

Thrive Ireland have been involved in several initiatives to raise awareness in the wider Christian community.
On 8th November Diane was one of the speakers, alongside Jonny Currie from the Trussell Trust, at an event hosted by the East Belfast Churches Network called Poverty on your doorstep. The event sought to bring together church leaders from wider East Belfast, along with those working with the most marginalized in the area. Leaders were brought around tables to learn about the lived experiences of people using the CAP Debt Centre based in Willowfield, The Larder in Mersey Street, Walkway Community Centre on the Newtownards Road and East Belfast Mission.
Diane also helped to facilitate participants for a sister Podcast with Will Leitch, also made at Commission Broadcast Centre on the cost of living crisis. It’s part of The Commission Files and you can find the link here.
Lastly, we have been working with Evangelical Alliance and more than 30 Christian churches and organisations to have a united Christian voice to advocate for the poorest in our society. In January we are moving towards the formal constitution of the Coalition of Christian Voices. If you as an individual or your church would be interested in joining , please contact Danielle at Evangelical Alliance at d.mcelhinney@eauk.org